多个科技部和基金委项目,Global Ecology and Biogeography等多个期刊审稿人。参与培育中草药新品种、专利和制定地方行业标准多个。
2013.09-2020.07 中国科学院植物研究所 生态学 硕博连读,导师 刘玲莉
2009.09-2013.07 河南大学 生物技术 本科, 导师 万世强
1. Wang ZH, Wang CZ, Wang X, Wang B, Wu J, Liu LL*. 2022. Aerosol pollution alters the diurnal dynamics of sun and shade leaf photosynthesis through different
mechanisms. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45, 2943–2953. (中科院一区)
2. Wang ZH, Wang CZ, Wang B, Wang X, Li J, Wu J, Liu LL*. 2020. Interactive effects of air pollutants and atmospheric moisture stress on aspen growth and
photosynthesis along an urban-rural gradient. Environmental Pollution, 260, 114076. (中科院一区)
3. 王丁,郑伯琴,张余,曾令锋,王振华*,叶祖云.不同病毒侵染种根对太子参生长及产量和品质的影响.福建农业学报,2023,38(01):68-74. (北大中文核心)
4. 柏晓瑜,林韶娟,郑城浩,刘凯良,叶祖云, 王振华*.高温热浪对亚热带园林植物危害的调查分析.热带亚热带植物学报:1-8[2024-05-31].
1. Deng MF., Li P., Liu WX., Chang PF., Yang L., Wang ZH., Wang J., Liu LL*. 2023. Deepened snow cover increases grassland soil carbon stocks by incorporating
carbon inputs into deep soil layers. Global Change Biology, 00, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16798
2. Wang B, Wang CZ, Wang ZH, Wang X, Jia Z, Liu LL*. 2022. High aerosol loading decreases the transpiration of poplars both in the day- and night-time.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 327, 109255.
3. Jia Z, Li P, Wu YT, Chang PF, Deng MF, Liang LY, Yang S, Wang CZ, Wang B, Yang L, Wang X, Wang ZH, Peng ZY, Guo LL, Ahirwal J, Liu WX, Liu LL*. 2022.
Deepened snow loosens temporal coupling between plant and microbial N utilization and induces ecosystem N losses. Global Change Biology, 28(15), 4655-4667.
4. Huang JS, Liu WX, Pan SN, Zhe W, Yang S, Jia Z, Wang ZH, Deng MF, Yang L, Liu C, Chang PF, Liu LL*. 2021. Divergent contributions of living roots to
turnover of different soil organic carbon pools and their links to plant traits. Functional Ecology. 35(12), 2821-2830.
5. Deng MF, Liu WX, Li P, Jiang L, Li S., Jia Z, Yang S, Guo LL, Wang ZH, Liu LL*. 2021. Intraspecific trait variation drives grassland species richness and
productivity under changing precipitation. Ecosphere, 12(8), e03707.
6. Xie Q, Yu RQ, Yu RL, Wang ZH, Zhang XY*, Wu YP*. 2021. Historic changes of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in juvenile and adult cetaceans from the Pearl
River estuary from 2003 to 2020. Science of The Total Environment, 800,149512.
7. Wang X, Wang CZ, Wu J,Miao GF, Chen M, Chen SL, Wang SH, Guo ZF, Wang ZH, Wang B, Li J, Zhao YJ, Wu XL, Zhao CF, Lin WL, Zhang YG, Liu LL*. 2021.
Intermediate Aerosol Loading Enhances Photosynthetic Activity of Croplands. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL091893.
8. Wang B, Wang ZH, Wang CZ, Wang X, Li J, Jia Z, Li P, Wu J, Chen M, Liu LL*. 2021. Field evidence reveals conservative water use of poplar saplings under high
aerosol conditions. Journal of Ecology, 109, 2190–2202.
9. Deng MF, Li P, Wang ZH, Guo LL, Wu YT, Huang JS, Wang XH, Liu LL*. 2021. Drought and salinization stress induced by stand development alters mineral element
cycling in a larch plantation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2020JG005906
10. Wang X, Wang B, Wang CZ, Wang ZH, Li J, Jia Z, Yang S, Li P, Wu YT, Pan SN, Liu LL*. 2021. Canopy processing of N deposition increases short-term leaf N uptake
and photosynthesis, but not long-term N retention for aspen seedlings. New Phytologist, 229(5), 2601-2610.
11. Huang JS, Liu WX, Deng MF, Wang X, Wang ZH, Yang L, Liu LL*. 2020. Allocation and turnover of rhizodeposited carbon in different soil microbial groups.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 150, 107973.
12. 李景; 王欣; 王振华; 王斌; 王成章; 邓美凤; 刘玲莉*. 2020. 臭氧和气溶胶复合污染对杨树叶片光合作用的影响. 植物生态学报, 44(8): 854-863
13. Li P, Liu LL*, Wang J, Wang ZH, Wang X, Bai YF, Chen SP. 2018. Wind Erosion Enhanced by Land Use Changes Significantly Reduces Ecosystem Carbon Storage and
Carbon Sequestration Potentials in Semi-arid Grasslands. Land Degradation & Development. 29 (10), 3469-3478
14. Wang X, Wu J, Chen M, Xu XT, Wang ZH, Wang B, Wang CZ, Piao SL, Lin WL, Miao GF, Deng MF, Qiao CL, Wang J, Xu S, Liu LL*. 2018. Field evidences for the
positive effects of aerosols on tree growth. Global change biology. 24(10): 4983-4992
15. Liu WX, Allison SD, Li P, Wang J, Chen D, Wang ZH, Yang S, Diao LW, Wang B, Liu LL*. 2018. The effects of increased snow depth on plant and microbial
biomass and community composition along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124:134-41.
16. Liu LL*, Wang X, Lajeunesse MJ, Miao GF, Piao SL, Wan SQ, Wu YX, Wang ZH, Yang S, Li P, Deng MF. 2016. A cross‐biome synthesis of soil respiration
and its determinants under simulated precipitation changes. Global change biology. 22, 1394–1405.